Visitor guidelines
Vuntut National Park
The following permits and written authorizations are or may be required in advance of your backcountry trip to Vuntut:
- Permit requirement
- Backcountry Use Permit
- Aircraft Landing Permit
- Superintendent’s Order to establish a food cache
- Park regulations
Superintendent's Order: Permit requirement
Pursuant to section 7.1(2) of the National Parks General Regulations the following are deemed designated activities within Vuntut National Park, and a permit is required prior to engaging in any of these activities:
- Camping
- Aircraft landings and take offs
- Research activities
- Fuel and food caching
- Filming or photography for commercial purposes
- Military exercises
- Open fires
Permits are available by contacting Parks Canada at 867-667-3910.
Backcountry Use Permits

All overnight visitors to the park are required to register prior to starting their trip and to de-register upon completion of their trip. Failing to deregister is a violation of Park Regulations. If you fail to check back in you may be financially responsible for the search.
You can register in person at the John Tizya Centre in Old Crow or by phone. Visitors are required to delineate their anticipated travel routes and itinerary in advance of receiving a permit. This information will aid in search and rescue efforts should they be needed. When registering you will be notified of any area closures or known hazards along your proposed route.
Aircraft Landing Permits

An aircraft landing permit is required before ANY aircraft (fixed-wing or rotary) can land in Vuntut National Park. Each request will be evaluated individually. You must apply for your landing permits three months in advance of the start of your trip.
Vuntut National Park includes a Declared Wilderness Area established under subsection 14(1) of the Canada National Parks Act. This special protection area encompasses high ground that makes up 75% of the national park north of the Crow Flats wetland. Landing and take-off of aircraft for any and all non-park management purposes in the Declared Wilderness Area triggers an environmental assessment under the Yukon Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Act (YESAA). Before a landing permit can be issued to land or take off in this Declared Wilderness Area, this environmental assessment process must be completed by the visitor. The external arms-length process takes anywhere from 6 – 12 weeks to complete.
For more information contact:
YESAB Dawson City Designated Office
Or, visit their website for more details www.yesab.ca
Aircraft operators providing access services to the park are required to have a Parks Canada Business License to operate within Vuntut National Park. The following companies are currently licensed to land in the park:
Helicopters, fixed-wing aeroplanes, UAVs/drones and other aircraft can have a negative impact on wildlife, visitors, and Indigenous People using the land. To minimize your impact while flying in and near Vuntut National Park, please observe the following:
Superintendent’s Order to establish a food cache
If necessary and in accordance with regulations, food caches may be permitted only through a Superintendent’s Order.
Park regulations
- Overnight visitors are required to register; and, to de-register upon completion of their trip.
- Removal of natural or cultural objects from the park is prohibited.
- All garbage must be packed out.
- All park waters are closed to fishing.
- It is illegal to hunt, feed, harass, approach or cause any undue stress to wildlife.
- Firearms are NOT permitted.
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