Community Update: Swing and Fixed Portions Removed

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

February 25, 2019 - As a part of over $615 million being invested in Trent-Severn Waterway infrastructure, work to replace both the fixed and swing portions of the Hamlet Bridge on the Severn River has now begun with the removal of the bridges from the site. 

The Hamlet Bridge is located at the intersection of Canning Road and Peninsula Point Road, and connects the townships of Severn and Gravenhurst. Both the fixed and swing portions of the Hamlet Bridge will be replaced in full, as well as the east and west bridge abutments, and the east pier. The mechanical and electrical systems of the bridge will be upgraded and the bridge will be raised to reduce the risk of immersion of mechanical components during high water events. 

Pictured: the first time in over 50 years that the Hamlet Swing Bridge has been in the open position during the non-boating season. The Hamlet fixed and swing bridges have now been removed.

What’s happening right now?

The contractor at the Hamlet Bridge project will soon begin demolition of the bridge operator’s building, and is currently working toward creating dry work spaces within which to replace and repair the bridge support concrete. Three different methods of creating dry work spaces will be employed:

  1. East pier: A cofferdam will be constructed around the east pier, upon which the fixed bridge and swing bridge meet. A cofferdam is a temporary dam constructed across or within a body of water that allows an enclosed work-site to be pumped dry. Cofferdams can be constructed from many types of materials, in many styles and sizes. This one will be constructed of sheet pile and framing that will sit on the bed of the canal, and has been sized to minimize impact on the river.

  2. Bridge abutments: Meter bags will be used, if required, to hold back the shallower water at the edge of the river around the bridge abutments so that they can be completely re-constructed.

  3. Rest and pivot pier (west): This larger pier will be repaired using sheet pile to serve as both a concrete form and structural support. A concrete cap will be poured on top so that the sheet pile is not seen on the finished product. The contractor has now received delivery of the sheet pile.

Residents can expect some construction noise at this stage of the project as sheet pile and pipe piles are driven installed, and concrete is broken. 

Note: The contractor working on this project is keeping the river clear of ice in this location so that work can continue throughout the winter months. Residents and visitors should be cautious of ice conditions upstream and downstream of the construction zone.

How to stay informed about the project:

To find information about this, or other infrastructure projects in your area, please visit or  

Do you have anecdotes to share about your experiences at the Hamlet Bridge? We’d love to hear them, and share them on our website. Contact us at and include “Hamlet” in the subject heading. 

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