Activities and experiences

Lachine Canal National Historic Site

The Lachine Canal is a magnificent national historic site that welcomes millions of visitors on foot, by bike or by boat every year. Discover an enchanting site in the heart of Montreal, where you can admire the view of the city, relax or practice your favorite sport.

Learn-to Winter

Learn-to cross-country skiing during spring break.

Winter activities

This winter, come on out, take a breath of fresh air and enjoy the best of winter!

Winter trail

Enjoy the winter trail. Check the trail map.

Other activities

Calendar of events

Schedule of events and interpretive programs.

Lock & Paddle

Lock and paddle with dozens of colorful canoes and kayaks on July 19, 2025.

Lockage and navigation

Maps, suggested routes and rates when planning your visit.

Paddle Sports

Information, safety and seasonal boat stickers.

Learn-to Outdoor activities

Experience the outdoors on the Lachine Canal's banks.

Urban Fishing

Fish species, security and more.

Path and parks

Parks and trails along the Lachine Canal. Come and observe the industrial heritage of the canal.

Red chairs

Where to find the red chairs at the Lachine Canal.

Hangar 1825 public art

Artwork of Ankhone.

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