Dog Walking
Elk Island National Park
Pets are welcome in Elk Island National Park. The park is a great place for you and your pet to enjoy forests, lakes and meadows. Please follow Parks Canada regulations* and pet etiquette to ensure your personal safety and the safety of your pet. These rules also safeguard the comfort of other visitors and help protect park wildlife and habitat.
- Dogs and Cats must be under physical control at all times. Physical control includes restraint by a leash that does not exceed 3 metres in length or confinement in a container or enclosure suitable for keeping the animal.
- Dogs and cats must not chase, molest, bite or injure any person, other domestic animal or wildlife.
Domestic animals must not be allowed to become a nuisance or cause unreasonable disturbance to persons, wildlife, property or facilities. This includes excessive barking; - No dogs allowed on the southern leg of Tawayik Lake trail. See important bulletins for more details.
- Domestic animals must not be left unattended. This includes on your campsite or in a tent;
- You are responsible for cleaning up your pets feces. Fecal matter deposited by the animal must be immediately picked up and taken to a refuse container or taken out of the park;
- Be mindful that other visitors may be afraid of dogs. Do not let your dog approach other people without an invitation. On the trail, pet owners should yield to other visitors;
- Cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and live poultry are not allowed in Elk Island National Park.
*Be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all national park domestic animal regulations. For additional information about legislation within national parks, visit the Parks Canada Acts and Regulations webpage.
Blue-green algae advisory
Like many lakes in Alberta, Astotin Lake experiences periodic blooms of blue-green algae. Blue-green algae are naturally occurring organisms found in shallow, muddy-bottomed lakes. Some forms of blue-green algae can be toxic if ingested. Watch for important bulletins and signs posted around the main beach in the Astotin Lake Recreation Area.
Blue-green algae produces a toxin (poison) that can cause serious illness to animals or humans who drink or have skin contact with water containing this toxin. In some instances, domestic animals such as dogs and cattle have died as a result of ingesting toxin produced by the blue-green algae.
Do not swim or wade or allow your pets to swim or wade in water containing visible blooms.
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