Numerous books have been written about the South Nahanni River and surrounding area over the years. Any of these books should be available through your local bookseller.
Aboriginal History and Culture:
As Long as this Land Shall Last, by Réné Fumoleau
Drum Songs: Glimpses of Dene History, by Kerry Abel
Medicine Power, by George Blondin
South Slavey Topical Dictionary
Ted Trindell: Métis Witness to the North, by Jean Morisset and Rose-Marie Pelletier
The People of Denendeh, Ethnohistory of the Indians of Canada's Northwest Territories, by June Helm
Yamoria the Lawmaker: Stories of the Dene, by George Blondin
When the World Was New: Stories of the Sahtu Dene, by George Blondin
Trapping is My Life, by John Tetso
Bear Attacks, by Stephen Herero
Historical and General Interest about Nahanni:
Dangerous River, by R.M. Patterson
Nahanni, by Dick Turner
Nahanni Portfolio, by Pat and Rosemarie Keough
Nahanni Remembered, by R.C. Lewis
Nahanni River of Gold ... River of Dreams, by Neil Hartling
Nahanni Trailhead, by Joanne Ronan Moore
R.M. Patterson, by David Finch
South Nahanni River Guides:
Nahanni River of Gold ... River of Dreams, by Neil Hartling
Nahanni, The River Guide, by Peter Jowett
Rivers of the Yukon, A Paddling Guide, by Ken Madsen and Graham Wilson
Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest, by Robin J. Marles et al.
Vascular Plants of Continental Northwest Territories, Canada, by A.E. Porsild and W.J. Cody
Great Canadian Parks-Nahanni, Discovery Channel, 1997
Last Moose Skin Boat, National Film Board, 1997
Nahanni (Albert Faille's trip up the Nahanni), National Film Board, 1962
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