The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

16. Park Administration


Canada shall establish a Park office, including the provision of secretarial support and Board meeting space, in Paulatuk, within three (3) years of signing this Agreement. Canada, the PCC and the PHTC agree to co-operate, within six (6) months of signing this Agreement, in identifying opportunities for shared accommodation for the Park staff and Board meetings, the PCC and the PHTC, and any other organizations in Paulatuk as interested.


Canada shall base at least one (1) officer of at least Park warden status year-round in the Park office in Paulatuk, or it shall contract one or more qualified Inuvialuit to perform those functions of a warden(s) which can be performed by an individual who is not an employee of the Crown.


Prior to entry into the Park, Visitors shall be required to register in person, by phone, or by other appropriate means at the Park office or, alternatively, at another designated office. Subject to legislation concerning access to information and privacy, Parks Canada shall make available upon request information about Visitors to the PHTC or PCC.

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