Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
Despite seeding more than 8,000 seeds in the Mingan Thistle colonies from 2001 to 2016, the population has been in sharp decline since 2011. In 2017, a conservation and restoration program was implemented to intensify our recovery efforts to try to save the species in the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve.
Did you know…?
Seeding of more than 11,000 seeds and transplantation of more than 600 plants from 2017 to 2021 increased the population from 444 to more than 3,600.
Key actions implemented from 2017 to 2021:
- Creation and gathering of a committee of experts
- Digging out, one by one, the individuals following the December 2016 storm
- Monitoring of abundance and germination
- Seeding of more than 11,000 seeds
- Tree cutting and pruning to reduce competition for light
- Characterization of vegetation and soil analyzes
- Harvesting leaves for genetic analyzes
- Transplant of more than 600 plants from the Montreal Biodome - Space for Life and the GRIPP
- Creation of three new colonies.
The following organizations were actively involved in the conservation and recovery project. It's all about teamwork!
- Gosling Research Institute for Plant Preservation (GRIPP), Guelph: In vitro production of seedlings to reinstate in the park reserve and the creation of a seed bank (genetic conservation).
- Montreal Biodome - Space for Life: growing Mingan Thistle plants in order to produce seeds and plants for seeding and transplantation in the park reserve.
- Environment and Climate Change Canada: participation in research by funding various analyzes as well as a master's student in collaboration with the University of Ottawa.

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