
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site

An archaeologist at a forest site in Gwaii Haanas
An archaeologist at a forest site in Gwaii Haanas

Gwaii Haanas is archaeologically rich, with over 600 recorded sites. Features such as house depressions, canoe runs and poles provide information on village life.

Other sites with features such as fish traps and culturally modified trees inform us of resource procurement. Still other places, such as burial and rock art sites, convey the rich spiritual life of the people.

The earliest record of human habitation dates back over 13,000 years. Parks Canada has played a leading role in understanding the human history of Gwaii Haanas and Haida Gwaii.

The protection of these cultural heritage resources is a key management goal for Gwaii Haanas. Some potential issues in relation to these sites include natural threats such as coastal erosion, as well as other threats from human activities.

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