Shady Lake Trail

Prince Albert National Park

A shady descent
Descend 70 metres to a muddy mineral lick on the shore of narrow Shady Lake. Look for tracks of elk, deer and moose who come to eat minerals brought to the surface by springs. Listen for loons and grebes as you follow the trail along the grassy lake edge.

Ascend through birch and aspen, dappled gold in autumn, bright green in spring. Near the end of the trail, a 750-metre trail spur leads to Height of Land tower with a spectacular view of Shady Lake.

Length: 1.7 km, loop
Time: 40 minutes

Level of Difficulty: Level of Difficulty:  Moderate Moderate, Steep hills.

Trailhead: 8km from the visitor centre on highway #263

GPS Co-ordinates for Trailhead (in decimal degrees):
Lat.: 53.87131155 Long.: -106.10459901



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