Reminder – 2022/23 Public Service Employee Survey (PAEF

Message sent January 19, 2023



I would like to thank all employees who have already completed the 2022/23 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES): over 50% have shared their opinion. 

If you have not yet completed the Survey, it is still possible to participate. However, only three weeks are left before the survey closes on February 5, 2023.

Results from past surveys have been instrumental in improving our work environment and resources for employees. For example, results have contributed to the development of the new Mental Health Strategy, which has been approved by senior management and will be launched by April 1, 2023. As well, survey results have allowed the Wellness team to enhance mental health services currently offered, including the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) and psychological support following critical incidents. Increased awareness has helped to meet the demands for additional psychological support services, which have increased over the past three years.

I want to assure you that Parks Canada has worked closely with Statistics Canada to make sure all responses remain anonymous and cannot under any circumstances be traced back to any individual. Your responses are confidential and are protected under the Privacy Act and the Statistics Act.

If you have not yet received an email invitation to participate in the survey or if you have lost your survey link, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-877-949-9492 or

For more information about the PSES, visit the Public Service Employee Survey page on ParkNet.

Thank you again for your ongoing collaboration,

Réa McKay

Vice-President, Human Resources and Employee Wellness


Reminder to managers: In keeping with Parks Canada's procedures for communications with employees, managers are responsible for ensuring all team members under their responsibility receive the information intended for them. It is important that you find a means to transmit this message and, if any, the attachment(s) to employees without access to Parks Canada e-mail or the intranet, e.g., by posting it, circulating a paper copy or by any other appropriate means.

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