Garden suites
Jasper National Park
A Garden Suite is a self-contained Accessory Dwelling Unit with its own kitchen, sleeping and bathroom facilities located in the backyard of a lot behind the main house. A garden suite may be constructed in most residential districts in Jasper instead of a detached garage.
Does Parks Canada have an example of what an acceptable design for a Garden Suite in Jasper may look like?
The following garage suite images provide an example of a design consistent with the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy. Garden suites are similar in size and form to garage suites without the requirement for having a parking stall located within the same structure, allowing for additional living spaces.
Why are garage and garden suites limited to the R1, R2, and R2H Districts?
A Garden Suite is allowed in a detached building, similar in size and scale to a garge located in the One-Unit Dwelling District (R1), Two-Unit Dwelling District (R2), and the Old Town Jasper Historic District (R2H), and Multi-unit Small Lot Dwelling District (R3a). The other residential districts do not permit detached garages.
What are the general requirements for a Garden Suite?
The general requirements for a Garden Suite are similar to a Garage with a few modifications:
- A maximum of one garden suite is permitted per primary dwelling. If a garden suite is developed on a site, a garage is not also allowed.
- Garden suites must be developed to the applicable building code requirements associated with residential buildings.
- The garden suite must not be located over utility lines.
- The garden suite must be located at least 0.9 m from the back lane or property lines.
- The garden suite must be at least 1.5 m from the Primary Building (clear of all projections) or 6 m if located opposite a wall containing a window of a habitable room.
- Cladding (roof and siding) should match the home, unless the home’s cladding is not in conformance with the Jasper Colour Palette or Approved Materials, in which case the garage should conform to the Jasper Colour Palette – Building Exterior Colour and Materials.
What are the specific requirements for a Garden Suite?
- Garden Suite Site Coverage (footprint) - maximum of 10% of the Site Area (please refer to the garage development webpage for details on how to calculate your site’s Maximum Site Coverage).
- Location
- Adhere to the minimum setbacks from property lines of the District it is located within:
- Minimum Setback from Property Lines: 0.9 m
- Minimum setback from the main building: 1.5 m
- Roof Form
- Maximum roof height: 6.6 m
- Maximum eave height: 3.5 m
- Minimum roof slope: 6:12
- Dormers shall not be more than: 50% of the building width on either the front or back elevations; or 75%of the building width on either side elevation;
- Exterior Entrance
If located on a Site with back lane access; - The exterior entrance may not face the back lane;
- Shall have an unobstructed hardened (poured concrete or sidewalk blocks) sidewalk accessible from the front public street to the garden suite entrance, with a maximum distance of 30 m (unless exceedance is approved by the Municipality of Jasper Fire Department), for emergency service access;
- Shall have the civic address of the Garden Suite clearly visible at the front of the Site as viewed from the street.
- Adhere to the minimum setbacks from property lines of the District it is located within:
- Parking
- For a Site with back lane access, on-site parking shall be accessed from the back lane;
- For a Site without back lane access, on-site parking shall be accessed from the street unless it is a corner Site in which it may be accessed by either the front or side street;
- No additional on-site parking shall be required for a Garden Suite if the Site has a minimum of One (1) required on-site parking stall for each primary dwelling unit, all in accordance with the Land Use Policy, for the Site;
What do I need to submit for a Development Permit for a Garden Suite and what is the process?
The required development permit processes and submission requirements are the same as a garage. Please refer to the garage development webpage and follow the development permit application submission requirements.
Ensure the above summary requirements are demonstrated in your development permit application submission package.
Related links
- New residential home development
- Garage suites
- Secondary Suite
- Residential building addition
- Interior renovation
- Landscaping: Including sidewalks, decks and parking
- Mobile home replacement
- New commercial development in the Town of Jasper
- Managing development
- Commercial sign permits in the Town of Jasper
- Lake Edith cottage and septic tank development
- Event tents
- Fences
- Electrical, plumbing and gas permits
- Home Based Businesses
- Private home accommodations (PHAs)
- Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts
- Projects requiring a development permit
- National parks building permit
- Garages
- Variances
- Appeals
- Development regulations, laws, policies and guidelines
- Service standards
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