Secondary Suite
Jasper National Park
What is a Secondary Suite?
A Secondary Suite is a self-contained dwelling (with its own kitchen, sleeping, and bathroom facilities) contained within a Primary Dwelling Unit.
Do I need a permit to build a Secondary Suite?
Yes, three permits are required for a Secondary Suite development:
- Development permit - ensures conformance with the requirements listed in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy.
- Building permit - ensures conformance to the National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations and National Building Code – Alberta Edition
- Occupancy permit - after construction is complete, the final safety codes inspections are received, and the Parks Canada Compliance Officer confirms it has been built in accordance with the permits, an occupancy permit will be issued, and the Secondary Suite may be occupied.
Once all permit conditions are completed, a Certificate of Completion is issued by the Parks Canada Compliance Officer to close out the project and return compliance deposits.
What are the requirements for a Secondary Suite development?
The following table has the development requirements for Secondary Suites:
Policy for secondary suites
Policy | Secondary Suite requirement |
Permitted Districts | Permitted only in the following Districts: R1, R2, R2H, R4 (excluding mobile homes), CCWa, CCWb, CCWc (excluding Stone Mountain Village). Using the Town of Jasper Land Use Map you can find your property and under the Info tab to locate your District Zoning. |
Gross Floor Area | Maximum Gross Floor Area of the secondary suite may not be more than 45% of the total gross floor area of the primary dwelling (see below for an example on how to calculate this). |
Density | Maximum of one secondary suite per primary dwelling unit shall be permitted. |
Parking Requirement | No additional on-site parking is required for a Secondary Suite if the site has a minimum of One (1) on-site parking stall for each dwelling unit. |
Parking (No back lane access) | For sites with no back lane access, additional on-site parking to accommodate a Secondary Suite may be in the front setback if it does not conflict with the required front yard landscaping requirements of the district it is located within. This additional on-site parking may be in tandem with the home’s other required parking. |
Exterior Entrance | Must have its own direct access route to the outdoors. For the purposes of providing access to a secondary suite only, the following are permitted forms of access:
May I have an example of how to calculate the maximum gross floor area of the Secondary Suite?
An example could be a bungalow style home in which you wish to develop the unfinished basement into a Secondary Suite. The existing bungalow has a total gross floor area (basement and main floor) of 100 m2; therefore, the basement shall not have a Secondary Suite development with a gross floor area exceeding 45 m2.
If I add a Secondary Suite in the basement on one side of my duplex, will I need to provide more on-site parking?
When reviewing the on-site parking requirements for a Secondary Suite, the development officer will review the previous permits, and the submitted site plan, to ensure that the existing required parking spaces have been maintained. The current parking requirement in the residential district is 1 parking stall per primary dwelling unit. As a secondary suite is considered an accessory dwelling unit, no additional parking is required as long as the site meets the original requirement mentioned above.
What do I need to submit for a Secondary Suite development permit?
A Secondary Suite Development Application Submission Package must include:
- Development permit application – There are fees associate with permits. For more information on what fees may apply to projects, please contact the Development Office. To apply, please sign and submit Development Application (in the Japer Townsite) (PDF, 195 KB) and include the address, the lessee’s name, the applicant name, and contact information.
- Secondary Suite submission checklist – Use the Secondary Suite Submission Checklist (PDF, 148 KB) to ensure all required information is included for a development permit. This checklist must be included with your submission package.
- Written narrative - Paragraph must describe your proposed Secondary Suite and include any construction you are proposing to undertake. You are encouraged to include photos of the Secondary Suite area (if converting a portion of an existing dwelling) and the on-site parking areas. This will provide the development office with an explanation of your project and will also provide a visual illustration.
- Floor plans – A dimensioned (in metres) and scaled floor plan detailing:
- Primary Dwelling where the Secondary Suite will be located within
- Gross Floor Area (m2) of the Primary Dwelling (including the Secondary Suite area)
- Proposed Secondary Suite area demonstrated (outlined)
- Gross Floor Area (m2) of the proposed Secondary Suite area
- Site plan – a dimensioned (in metres) and scaled site plan detailing:
- lot dimensions
- existing structures (principal dwelling, accessory buildings, and garage)
- existing and proposed on-site parking spaces (minimum 2.7 m wide by 6.0 m length, free of obstruction)
- any changes to landscaping (may include new walkway to secondary suite)
Please submit the above to the Jasper Development Office at:
For development inquiries, or to request a meeting with a development officer, please contact the Development Office at or (780) 852-6123. Please note that your inquiry or meeting request may be directed to a planner from the Municipality of Jasper or from Parks Canada. If you would prefer to meet with a specific organization, please state this in your call or email.
How do I obtain a building permit for a Secondary Suite?
As the proposed development contains life-safety elements, a building permit is required to ensure it meets the National Building Code – Alberta Edition. Once you have obtained a development permit you may begin the process for obtaining a building permit, which can be found on the building permit webpage.
How do I obtain an occupancy permit or completion certificate?
After construction is complete, submit the final safety code site inspection reports to the Parks Canada Compliance Officer. Upon receipt, a compliance site inspection will be conducted to confirm that it was constructed in accordance with the approved development permit. If all requirements are met, an occupancy permit will be issued, and the Secondary Suite may be occupied. Once all the permit conditions have been met, a Certificate of Completion is issued to close out the project and return compliance deposits. Contact the Parks Canada Compliance Officer at for a final inspection.
Frequently asked questions
I live in a duplex and wish to add a Secondary Suite to the side I live on, but the Land Use Policy limits me only to a Two-unit dwelling. Can you clarify this?
Secondary Suites are not factored into the zoning districts maximum dwelling unit density. Each half of the duplex is considered to be a Primary Dwelling Unit, and each could have an associated Secondary Suite within.
The above requirements are intended to help assist you with your application. If there are any conflicts between the information presented above and the requirements as stated in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, the requirements in the Policy take precedent.
Related links
- Development projects in the S-Block District
- New residential home development
- Garden suites
- Garage suites
- Residential building addition
- Interior renovation
- Landscaping: Including sidewalks, decks and parking
- Mobile home replacement
- New commercial development in the Town of Jasper
- Managing development
- Commercial sign permits in the Town of Jasper
- Lake Edith cottage and septic tank development
- Event tents
- Fences
- Electrical, plumbing and gas permits
- Home Based Businesses
- Private home accommodations (PHAs)
- Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts
- Projects requiring a development permit
- National parks building permit
- Garages
- Variances
- Appeals
- Development regulations, laws, policies and guidelines
- Service standards
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