New commercial development in the Town of Jasper
Jasper National Park
Commercial buildings in Jasper reflect mountain architecture which is not so much a style as a series of building characteristics. Dominant roof forms (minimum 6:12 roof slope) are used where possible to fit within the mountain landscape. Building materials appear to be local in origin and use colours that relate directly to the surrounding natural environment. These help to give Jasper a unique feel to the community for those who live here and for those who visit.
Construction of a new commercial building can be a daunting endeavour and it is recommended that you engage the services of professionals to assist with the design and construction process. Many of the requirements and processes are outlined below, but your development project should begin with contacting the Parks Canada Development Office at or (780) 852-6123 to set up a pre-development application meeting with one of our development officers. From this meeting the development officer will be able to supply you with an up-to-date Development Review Template tailored to your project containing a more complete set of requirements, and links to any applicable websites or forms, and you can begin designing your new commercial building. Please note that your inquiry or meeting request may be directed to a planner from the Municipality of Jasper or from Parks Canada. If you would prefer to meet with a specific organization, please state this in your call or email.
Do I need a permit to build a new commercial building?
Yes, three Parks Canada permits are required for the development of a new commercial building. First, a Development Permit, which ensures conformance with the requirements listed in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy including the Architectural motif guidelines for the Town of Jasper (PDF, 2.93 MB). Secondly, a Building Permit, or a Building / Demolition permit if required, ensures conformance to the National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations and National Building Code – Alberta Edition. Thirdly, after the construction is substantially completed, and the final safety codes inspections issued, you may obtain an Occupancy Permit and occupy the building. Once the landscaping and any outstanding permit requirements are completed, a Certificate of Completion is issued to close out the project.
I have a commercial building downtown that I want to develop an addition to an existing retail space and wonder how the commercial cap affects my proposal?
The purpose of commercial development limits is to ensure that development and land use within the community does not undermine the ecological integrity of the national park or erode the small-town character of the community. The Canada National Parks Act contains the maximum Commercial Floor Area buildout for the Town of Jasper and the Jasper Community Sustainability Plan allocates the remaining floor area to each commercial district. “Commercial Floor Area” means the total floor area of all levels of a commercial building or structure, contained within the outside of the exterior and basement walls or glazing line or windows, but excluding enclosed or open parking areas, garbage and loading rooms, floor areas devoted exclusively to mechanical or electrical equipment servicing the development, and staff housing.
If your proposed commercial development causes an increase in Commercial Floor Area you will need to apply to the Jasper Development Office for a Commercial Floor Area Allocation.
Please refer to the Commercial Floor Allocation Webpage for more information.
Where can I find the specific development requirements for a commercial building?
The Town of Jasper Land Use Policy contains both general requirements and specific zoning district requirements. Your zoning district can be found by referencing the online Town of Jasper land use map. For example, if your building is located at #631 Patricia Street, locate, and click on your property to reveal Info tab with the District Zone, which in this example is C1-Commercial.

Text version
A zoomed in area of the Town of Jasper land use map that shows numbered street blocks with lots. One block and lot, 631, is highlighted by a blue line, and corresponding information is given in the info tab to the left of the map. The info tab displays the plan number (57672 CLSR AB), designator (LOT 11 BLOCK 9), district zone (C1 - Commercial), and the area (486.04 m2). From the land use map you find your commercial building is in the C1 - Commercial District.
Are there limitations in the Commercial District (C1) as to what specific uses can be on each floor?
Yes, subject to uses which existed prior to 2001, the Commercial District (C1) has use restrictions specific to each floor:
- Basements are restricted to commercial storage, on-site parking, or resident oriented services (services provided for park residents and generally not provided for park visitors).
- The first storey (street level) includes all permitted, and approved discretionary uses, for the district except for residential apartment accommodation.
- The Town of Jasper Land Use Policy has particular stipulations for what types of uses are allowed in the commercial district. In general, tourist-oriented development is restricted to the main floor of buildings. For more details, please refer to the Land Use Policy.
A detailed list of the permitted and discretionary uses can be found on the Discretionary use – commercial and institutional district webpage.
Commercial spaces / uses in the basement, or second storey, that existed prior to 2001, may continue to be used as such, even if the building is redeveloped.
Do I require a Real Property Report if I want to build a new commercial building?
In a new build situation you will require a Canada Lands Surveyor’s services for:
- Initial RPR of your Site verifying Site dimensions, verification of Site Area, and also geodetic elevations for each lot corner;
- once foundation construction is completed, a surveyor letter is required to verify foundation sitting and geodetic elevation; and
- at the conclusion of your project a new RPR is required demonstrating all the new structures on the Site.
How do I find the potential footprint for a new commercial build?
Using the RPR you can start to draft the Site Plan and draw in the front, side, and rear setbacks to find the building pocket (potential footprint that the building may sit within). The following table lists the required setbacks of the commercial districts:
District | Front Setback (minimum) | Rear Setback (minimum) | Rear Setback if Residential District across alley (minimum) | Side Setback (minimum) | Corner Site - cutback from the corner intersection of the front and street side property lines (minimum) |
C1 | 0.0 m | 0.0 m* | 7.6 m | 3.0 m for sites that abut Open Space or Residential Districts and 0.0 m for all others | 3.0 m |
C2 | 10.6 m | 7.5 m | 7.5 m | 3.0 m | N/A |
C3 | 0.0 m | 0.0 m* | 7.5 m | 0.0 m | 3.0 m |
C4 | 0.0 m | 0.0 m* | 7.5 m | 0.0 m unless site abuts to Open Space or Residential Districts which require side setback of 3.0 m | 3.0 m |
S | 3.0 m | 3.0 m* | N/A | 3.7 m on one side and 0.0 m on the other side | N/A |
S Corner Site | 3.0 m | 3.0 m* | N/A | 4.5 m side facing street and 0.0 m on the other side | N/A |
* Note that the rear building setbacks may be subject to on-site parking requirements
The commercial districts do not allow projections into the setbacks except for awnings and canopies located in the Town Centre (both the Commercial District (C1) and the Tourist Commercial Town Centre District (C3)). These projections are detailed in the Commercial sign permit webpage.
What requirements determines the potential commercial building size?
In addition to the commercial cap (see below), and the potential footprint (above) there are few factors that determine the size of building that can be built in the commercial districts. The Floor Area Ratio (Ratio of the gross floor area / Site Area) and the maximum heights for building and eaves for each district are listed below:
District | Floor area ratio (maximum) | Site coverage (maximum) | Building roof height (maximum) | Building eave height (maximum) | Building main floor height (maximum) |
C1 | 2.25 | 90% | 9.0 m | 6.0 m (facing street) | 600 mm |
C2 | 1.0 | 40% | 10.6 m | 6.0 m | N/A |
C3 | As existed prior to 2001 | 90% | As existed prior to 2001 | As existed prior to 2001 | 600 mm |
C4 | As existed prior to 2001 | 20% | 9.0 m | 6.0 m (facing street) | N/A |
S | 1.0 | 60% | 9.0 m | 6.0 m (facing street) | N/A |
How do I plan my required on-site parking?
The Town of Jasper Land Use Policy sets out minimum on-site parking requirements for different types of businesses. Please refer to the policy for the exact requirements for your business.
Some general requirements for parking include:
- when the on-site parking requirement calculation results in a fractional number of required parking stalls, the next higher whole number shall be required;
- each standard parking stall shall be a minimum width of 2.7 m and a length of 6.0 m;
- all parking on commercial sites which abut a residential site shall be screened by landscaping;
- no required on-site parking shall be permitted in the front setbacks;
- for all sites abutting a lane, access and egress to and from the required on-site parking shall be from the lane, and parking shall be located at the rear of the site;
- parking stalls shall not be enclosed or confined by barriers;
- when the on-site parking requirement is 5 parking stalls or greater, parking stalls and lots shall be defined by painted lines and/or wheel stops; and
- parking stalls shall be set back a minimum of 0.6 m from the property line when directly accessed from a public roadway.
Can I apply for a variance for my on-site commercial parking?
The commercial districts allow for the application for variance for required on-site parking stalls, with the exception of (a) commercial accommodation stalls; or (b) residential apartment stalls both of which must be provided on-site. The variance application process can be found on the Variance to Town of Jasper Land Use Policy webpage. If a variance is granted for the commercial stalls, a Municipality of Jasper parking authority levy, calculated per varied parking stall in accordance with the Municipality of Jasper Parking Authority Bylaw, shall be paid prior to the issuance of the Parks Canada building permit.
How do I plan my required on-site landscaping?
Your soft landscaping requirement is dependent on what District your Site is in as demonstrated in the table below:
District | Minimum site soft landscaping (minimum) |
C1 | 2% of the Site must be soft landscaped to be located at the front of a building or on a side facing a street and may be combined with entry ways and other on-site public amenities |
C2 | 7.5% of the Site must be soft landscaped |
C3 | 2% of the Site must be soft landscaping to be located immediately adjacent to the building’s main entries |
C4 | 5% of the Site shall be soft landscaped to be located at, or near grade, immediately adjacent to the main Site entries |
S | 5% of the Site must be soft landscaped |
More information on soft landscaping, including sample landscape plans and calculations, as well as the link to the Parks Canada approved planting list, are all available on the Landscaping development webpage.
Is there a requirement for a high sloped roof structure?
To honour the Mountain Architecture the commercial district, buildings require the primary roof slope facing a street shall fall within a plane that slopes inwards at a 45-degree angle from the maximum eave line of the building (12:12 maximum and 6:12 minimum slope). With the exception of the Commercial Accommodation District (C2), the side and rear primary roof slopes are not subject to this and are commonly a flat roof structure.
The Commercial Accommodation District (C2) Sites are much larger, have required setbacks, and require the primary roof slope shall fall within a plane that slopes inwards at a 45-degree angle from the maximum eave line on all four sides of the building (12:12 maximum and 6:12 minimum slope).
The Automobile Service Station District (C4) roof shapes for structures providing weather protection over gas pumps shall include sloped edges and edge detailing that conform to the Architectural Motif Guidelines for roofing material and colour as well.
Where can I find the colour and materials I can use for the siding and roofing of the commercial building?
As part of the Architectural Motif Guidelines for the building materials should appear to be local in origin and colours that relate directly to the surrounding natural environment. Building exterior colour and materials can be found on the Jasper colour palette webpage.
Commercial buildings in the Town Centre (C1 and C3), Automobile Service Station District (C4), and Service and Storage District (S) may have a flat roof structure with a subdued finishing. All mechanical roof top units must be screened with colours and materials consistent with the Jasper palette.
How do I calculate how much staff accommodation my commercial development requires?
A development / redevelopment of a commercial building may require the development of staff accommodation if there is either an addition of Commercial Floor Area or if there is a proposed change of use requiring a higher staffing level. The staff accommodation bedroom requirement is based on which District your commercial building is located within:
- Commercial District (C1) the calculation is based on 1 bedroom per 46.5 m2 of gross floor development / redevelopment;
- Commercial Accommodation (C2 and C3 Districts) the calculation is based on 1 bedroom for each 5 commercial accommodation units; or
- Storage and Services District (S) the calculation is based on 1 bedroom per 150 m2 of gross floor area development / redevelopment.
When the staff accommodation bedroom calculation results in a fractional number of required bedrooms, the next higher whole number shall be required.
Do I have to build my required staff accommodation on my commercial site?
Excepting the Storage and Services District, which does not allow residential occupation, the preference is to have the staff accommodation bedrooms developed on-site. Development of new bedrooms off-site in a residential district may be an acceptable offset if the bedrooms are new, previously undeveloped bedrooms, to the community. The buying of an existing dwelling, with existing bedrooms, does not meet the intent of the requirement. Examples of off-site staff accommodation bedrooms in residential districts may include:
- A previously undeveloped basement developed into a 2 bedroom secondary suite (2 bedroom offset);
- Demolition of a 3 bedroom house and development of a duplex with 10 bedrooms (7 bedroom offset);
- Participation in the development of a new Multi-unit Dwelling Development resulting in additional new bedrooms to the community.
Development of off-site staff accommodation bedrooms in a residential district will require an amendment to the residential lease restricting future commercial use (home based businesses including private home accommodation) of the bedrooms.
Can I build an Accessory Building on my commercial property?
No accessory buildings are permitted in the Commercial District (C1) and Tourist Commercial Town Centre District (C3).
One accessory building is permitted at the rear of each Site in the Tourist Commercial District (C2), Automobile Service Station District (C4), and Storage and Services District (S) with the following requirements:
District | Site coverage (maximum) | Building / eave height (maximum) | Distance from property lines (minimum) | Distance from primary building clear of all projections (minimum) |
C2 | 93 m2 | 6.0 m / 4.0 m | 0.9 m | 1.5 m |
C4 | Up to maximum Site Coverage of all Buildings | 7.5 m / 4.25 m | 1.0 m | 3.0 m |
S | Up to maximum Site Coverage of all Buildings | 7.5 m / 4.25 m | 1.0 m | 3.0 m |
The shape, colour, and building materials used for the exterior of an accessory building shall be the same as those used for the primary building.
In the Storage and Services District (S) the following additional requirements regarding accessory buildings and storage on site include:
- all buildings including detached accessory buildings shall be constructed with permanent foundations;
- the use of trailers or any other mobile structures as a place of business or for any aspect of business shall not be permitted;
- no person shall display any materials or equipment in a front or a side setback abutting a street, except in the case of a site with two or more adjacent lots used for the same business, where materials or equipment may be stored or displayed but not in the landscaped setback of the site where the primary building is located; and
- exterior storage shall be screened from public view.
What do I need to submit for a development permit?
- Development permit application - There are fees associated with permits. For more information on what fees may apply to projects, please contact the Development Office. To apply for a development permit, please sign and submit the development permit application (in the Jasper Townsite) (PDF, 199 KB). This will provide the development office with basic contact information and the anticipated cost of the project to ensure the proper authority approves the permit.
- Commercial development checklist - The commercial building checklist (PDF, 181 KB) is for you to ensure you are submitting everything that is required for a complete development permit submission package for a new commercial building development.
- Project narrative - Please describe your project and include:
- the type of building and its intended use;
- proposed staff accommodation bedroom requirement calculation;
- intent of meeting staff accommodation requirements whether:
- number of residential apartment units and total bedrooms; or
- new bedroom development in residential district;
- a real property report prepared by a Canada lands surveyor, including the existing geodetic elevation of the four corners of the lot; and
- photos of the site and adjacent areas.
- Site plan (in metric and drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200) and must demonstrate:
- North arrow and Scale;
- Site dimensions and Total Site Area (m2);
- geodetic elevations of the four corners of the site;
- dimensions and area (m2) of existing and proposed structures (primary building, garage, shed, fence, retaining walls, etc);
- Site Coverage of each structure and total Site Coverage calculation;
- all setbacks (rear, front and side) from the property line to the Primary Building and the proposed structures;
- proposed required commercial and residential apartment on-site parking spaces demonstrated and dimensioned (minimum 2.7 m width by 6.0 m length each with no obstructions); and
- location of utility lines (buried and / or overhead).
- Architectural plans (in metric and drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100) and must demonstrate:
- dimensioned floor plans of all proposed development;
- elevation plans from grade indicating geodetic: roof heights, eave heights, main floor height, of all structures;
- sections indicating floor heights and relationship with geodetic grade;
- Site section from the front to rear property line, including adjacent streets and lanes; and
- roof plan showing slopes and major roof structure.
The above required submissions, or any questions relating thereto, may be submitted to the Jasper Development Office at:
When do I need to obtain the building permit?
Once a Development Permit has been issued, you can begin the process of applying for a building permit as detailed on the Parks Canada building permit webpage.
For a new commercial development, the Parks Canada Building Permit is a two-stage permit with the first permit for foundation only and the second permit for the remaining build. The foundation only permit restricts construction to only foundation which requires, at completion, a formal letter from a Canada Lands Surveyor stating the built foundation sitting and geodetic elevation. A Parks Canada Development Officer will review the survey letter, and if the foundation is in conformance with the Parks Canada approved plans, will then amend the building permit removing the foundation only restriction.
Frequently asked questions
I’m thinking of converting an existing commercial building that was a retail store into a sports bar, should I have the use approved first?
Prior to investing a lot of time, energy, and money you should verify that the use is a permitted in the District by visiting the Discretionary use webpage. In this case, Eating Establishment and Drinking Establishment are considered Discretionary Uses in the Commercial District (C1) subject to a public hearing process and superintendent approval. It should also be noted that with this intensification of use this conversion of use may also be subject to additional on-site parking and staff accommodation requirements as noted above.
Where can I find the commercial sign requirements including the requirements for awnings and canopies?
The Commercial sign permit webpage details both the requirements for commercial signs as well as the development requirements for awnings and canopies.
Do the Staff Accommodation bedrooms I’ve constructed have to be occupied by the staff of the commercial building?
Although the term staff accommodation implies these new bedrooms are to be occupied by staff of that commercial development, the act of creating these new to the community residential bedrooms satisfies the intent of the requirement.
Can I remove my residential lease private home accommodation restriction (that was meant to offset a commercial staff accommodation requirement)?
This amendment stays with the lease, or any subsequent replacement leases, and can only be removed if the equivalent new to the community bedrooms are developed on another property. If the new property is in a residential district that residential lease will require an amendment restricting future commercial use of the bedrooms (home based businesses including private home accommodation).
I’m redeveloping a commercial building in the Commercial District (C1) requiring 4 additional staff accommodation bedrooms, which seems excessive, can I apply for a variance?
There are a few instances where variances to staff accommodation requirements may be allowed to be applied for including:
- A larger development requiring more staff accommodation bedrooms than the expected future staffing need; or
- If you had previously developed new to the community staff accommodation bedrooms, built more bedrooms than was previously required, and that surplus would satisfy the current requirement.
The above requirements are intended to help assist you with your application. If there are any conflicts between the information presented above and the requirements as stated in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, the requirements in the Policy take precedent.
Related links
- Development projects in the S-Block District
- New residential home development
- Garden suites
- Garage suites
- Secondary Suite
- Residential building addition
- Interior renovation
- Landscaping: Including sidewalks, decks and parking
- Mobile home replacement
- Managing development
- Commercial sign permits in the Town of Jasper
- Lake Edith cottage and septic tank development
- Event tents
- Fences
- Electrical, plumbing and gas permits
- Home Based Businesses
- Private home accommodations (PHAs)
- Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts
- Projects requiring a development permit
- National parks building permit
- Garages
- Variances
- Appeals
- Development regulations, laws, policies and guidelines
- Service standards
- Date modified :