Event tents
Jasper National Park
What is an event tent?
Event tents are open, or partially enclosed, canopy structures erected to provide short term (seven days or less) shelter for special events. If the event tent is to be erected more than seven days, please contact jasperdevelopment@pc.gc.ca as the permitting requirements will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
A special event may need a separate special event permit either from Parks Canada (outside the townsite) or the Municipality of Jasper (inside the townsite). For more information on special event permits please visit the special event webpage.
Do all event tents need permits?
Event tents with a footprint less than 10 m2 do not require a Parks Canada permit, but it is recommended you review the general requirements below, and if you are staking tent anchors into the ground, call Alberta One Call at 1-800-242-3447 or visit online at www.albertaonecall.com to have the utility services located.
What permits are required for an event tent?
The permit requirements are dependent on the size of tent footprint (or cumulative footprint for tents with less than 3.0 m space between) and the use of the tent. The following scenarios outline the permits required for temporary (seven days or less) event tents with:
- a footprint between 10 m2 and 59 m2 will require a development permit
- a footprint of 10 m2, or greater, with either commercial cooking equipment or associated with a commercially licenced establishment (restaurant, bar or nightclub) will require both a development permit and a building permit
- a footprint of 60 m2, or greater, will require both a development permit and a building permit
What are the general requirements for an event tent?
- Areas not less than three metres outside the structure must be cleared of all flammable material or vegetation.
- Combustible materials, such as hay, straw and shavings, are not permitted within a tent unless approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
- Portable extinguishers must be provided for the protection of occupants and the building structure.
- Portable electrical systems and equipment in a tent or air-supported structure, including electrical fuses and switches, must be inaccessible to the public.
- Open-flame devices will not be permitted in a tent unless approved by the authority having jurisdiction and must display signage to indicate designated smoking areas.
- A fire hydrant must be located within 90 metres driving distance of the principal entrance.
- No cooking that produces grease/oily vapours will be allowed inside tents without an approved ventilation system.
- Aisles must not be less than 1,100 millimetres wide.
- A dead end-aisle must not exceed six metres in width.
- Aisles will be located so there are not more than seven seats between every seat and the nearest aisle. Exit aisles and corridors are to be kept clear and unobstructed at all times.
- There should be 400 millimetres of space between rows of seats. When the occupant load is greater than 200 people, seats in a row must be fastened together in units of no fewer than eight seats.
- For occupancy loads more that 1,000 people, a fire alarm and emergency communication system plan is required (Fire Inspector to provide more information).
What do I need to submit for a development permit for a temporary event tent?
A complete Development Permit event tent Application Submission Package consists of:
- Parks Canada development permit application - There is no fee for a development permit application. To apply for a permit, please sign and submit the Parks Canada development permit application (no building permit required) (PDF, 180 KB) which will provide the development office: where the tent is located; who the lessee is; who the applicant is, and; basic contact information for the permit.
- Event tent questionnaire / checklist – Submit the filled out event tent questionnaire (PDF, 182 KB) to ensure you are submitting enough information to complete a review of your proposal.
- Site plan – A dimensioned (in metres) and scaled site plan is required demonstrating the structures on the site as well as the proposed location of the event tent with the distances between other structures.
- Floor plan (only for event tents that require a building permit) – A dimensioned (in metres) and scaled floor plan indicating:
- Entrance and exits
- Location of tables and seating
- Food and beverage service areas
- Stage or dance floor
- Manufacturers tent specifications data sheet – Including specifications such as frame type, dimensions, visual representation, instructions for securing the structure, tent and canopy materials which must be made of flame resistant material that conforms to CAN/ULC-S109).
What do I need to submit for a building permit for a temporary event tent?
A Building Permit is required when a proposed development contains life-safety elements covered under the National Building Code – Alberta Edition. A complete Event Tent Building Permit Application Submission Package consists of:
- Parks Canada building permit application- There is no fee for a discretionary use permit application. To apply for a permit, please sign and submit the Parks Canada building permit application (PDF, 147 KB) which will provide the development office: the selected approved safety code agency, and if there is a contractor, their contact information.
- Safety code compliance review - A building code compliance review is obtained from an Approved Inspection Agency (PDF, 243 KB). The agency will require you to submit your Parks Canada development permit and may require further submissions in order to complete their Building Code Review Report, which they will forward to Parks Canada becoming part of the Building Permit. The safety code agency may also require an on-site building code inspection once the tent has been erected.
- Alberta Health Services review (food service) – It is required that a Public Health Inspector review the development permit if it includes food services. A letter from the Public Health Inspector confirming their approval must be submitted to Parks Canada.
Alberta Health may have other requirements for your special event (such as Health and Safety Requirements for Face Painting, Henna, Temporary Tattoos and Airbrushing at Special Events) which can be found on their website. - Municipality of Jasper – the Municipality of Jasper is responsible for other services which your project may require including, but not limited to: Jasper Fire Department (Fire Safety Inspections both in and out of town) and Bylaw (within the town including Sidewalk or Road Closures). A letter from the Municipality confirming their requirements have been addressed is required for the Building Permit.
Once I have my development permit and building permit (if required) can I put up and use my tent?
With a development permit, and building permit (if required) in hand, you are ready to erect your event tent in accordance with the terms and conditions on the permit. Prior to any ground disturbance (placing tent anchors), please ensure you contact Alberta One Call at 1-800-242-3447 or visit online at www.albertaonecall.com to have the utility services located.
If you only were required to have a development permit, once the tent is up you can use / occupy it.
If your event tent was required to have a building permit, the safety code agency that submitted a building code review report, the Municipality of Jasper Fire Department, and an Alberta Health Inspector may also require a final inspection prior to occupancy.
The above required submissions, or any questions regarding the above, may be submitted to the Jasper Development Office at: jasperdevelopment@pc.gc.ca.
The above requirements are intended to help assist you with your application. If there are any conflicts between the information presented above and the requirements as stated in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, the requirements in the Policy take precedent.
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- Private home accommodations (PHAs)
- Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts
- Projects requiring a development permit
- National parks building permit
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- Development regulations, laws, policies and guidelines
- Service standards
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