Projects requiring a development permit
Jasper National Park
Process overview
- Apply for a development permit
- Parks Canada will issue a development permit if all application documents are correctly submitted and the proposed project complies with the criteria and specifications set out in all relevant Parks Canada acts, regulations, guidelines, and plans.
- Once work is completed, the leaseholder notifies Parks Canada to inspect the work, and, if the work complies with the terms and conditions of the permit, Parks Canada will issue a certificate of completion and close the file.
How to apply for a development permit
There are fees associated with permits. For more information on what fees may apply to projects, please contact the Development Office. To apply for a development permit, please sign and submit the General application for a Permit form (PDF 330 KB), and include the following information.
- Paragraph describing the proposed work – what currently exists on site, and what work you are proposing to undertake
- Photographs of the intended work area
- If the individual applying for the permit is not from the leaseholder: Leaseholder authorization letter (PDF, 73 kb)
- A site plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200 scale with dimensions in metric. Site plans shall include at a minimum:
- Type of development, number of residential units, site area, gross floor area by use, floor area ratio, site coverage;
- North arrow and scale;
- Dimensioned setbacks;
- Size and location of existing and proposed structures or uses including accessory buildings;
- Dimensioned existing and proposed parking spaces and driveways showing grades and paving materials.
- Architectural plans, drawn to a scale of not less that 1:100. Dimensions shall be in metric. Drawings shall include, where applicable:
- Existing and proposed floor plans
- Elevations indicating finish materials, heights, overhangs, roof pitches and distances to setbacks
- Sections indicating floor heights and relationship with grades
- Roof plan showing major roof structure and equipment and screening details
Electronic copies of the above information should be submitted to the Development Office at Hard copies may be submitted at the Parks Canada Administration Office in the Jasper Heritage Railway Station at 607 Connaught Street. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm.
In order for Parks Canada to complete a comprehensive review of your development permit application, all requested information must be provided. Incomplete applications will be rejected. The Development Officer may require additional information to evaluate a development application, at their discretion. The onus is on the proponent to submit comprehensive applications which are easily understood and meet all requirements.
This information is meant to provide general information only. It should not be used as an official interpretation of the various codes and regulations currently in effect, and a Parks Canada development officer should always be contacted for accurate information.
Jasper Townsite – Development / Discretionary Use / Building / Sign Permit Service Standards:
Projects submitted to the Development Office are reviewed in the order they are received. Please allow up to 20 days to receive a preliminary review of your development permit submission package to ensure it is complete (Does it contain the minimum required information for a technical review). Once a development, permit submission package is deemed complete it will receive a technical review within 20 days. Development permit resubmissions; building permit submissions; sign permit submissions; and permit amendment applications, will receive a technical review within 20 days of receipt.
Anyone wishing to undertake development in Jasper National Park is encouraged to consult with a Development Officer as early as possible to ensure they are familiar with all relevant policies, guidelines, and requirements prior to their formal application submission.
To reach a development officer, please call 780-852-6123 or email Please note that your inquiry or meeting request may be directed to a planner from the Municipality of Jasper or from Parks Canada. If you would prefer to meet with a specific organization, please state this in your email or call.
Related links
- Development projects in the S-Block District
- New residential home development
- Garden suites
- Garage suites
- Secondary Suite
- Residential building addition
- Interior renovation
- Landscaping: Including sidewalks, decks and parking
- Mobile home replacement
- New commercial development in the Town of Jasper
- Managing development
- Commercial sign permits in the Town of Jasper
- Lake Edith cottage and septic tank development
- Event tents
- Fences
- Electrical, plumbing and gas permits
- Home Based Businesses
- Private home accommodations (PHAs)
- Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts
- National parks building permit
- Garages
- Variances
- Appeals
- Development regulations, laws, policies and guidelines
- Service standards
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