School programs

The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site

Introduce students of different grade levels to educational programs and activities to be held on site or in the classroom.

These programs bring social sciences concepts to life in a stimulating learning environment.


On-site activity

“The fur trade — what an adventure!” guided tour

Elementary school children take part in a rabaska voyageur activity during a school visit to the Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site.

Suggested content: students will experience the epic journey of indigenous trappers, French-Canadian voyageurs and European merchants during the fur trade era.

  • Guided tour of Lachine's old fur warehouse, where the journey to Western Canada began.
  • Role-play games allowing students to discover the key players in the fur trade chain and communication issues encountered.
  • Interpretation of maps to discover the trade.
  • Presentation of bartered items: clothing, tools, furs, and more.

Target groups: grades 3 to 6 of elementary school, and high school

Languages: English and French

Length of visit: 2 hours

Location: 1255, boul. Saint-Joseph, Lachine, Montréal (Québec) H8S 2M2

Period: April to June and September to November

Fees: see costs per student in the Fees section.

Reservations et information: book by email at or by phone at 514-637-7433.

Facilities: free parking with space for buses, outdoor picnic tables, indoor luncheon area (reservation required) and accessible restrooms. See Plan your visit for details.

Good to know: this activity is also offered in a virtual version in collaboration with École en réseau. See the complete program in the Online school workshops section.

Financial support

Experiences offered by Parks Canada are part of the culture and education resource directory (in French only). Financial support from the Government of Québec can be provided. Please refer to the ministère de l’Éducation Website (in French only).


In-class activities

Online workshops

Visual infographic of the free virtual workshops offered to elementary and high school students by Parks Canada and École en réseau.

Parks Canada, in collaboration École en réseau, is offering a series of free online workshops throughout the school year for elementary and high school students.

Subjects covered: history, outdoors and nature & heritage conservation.

Registration and full 2024-2025 program: see the Online school workshops section.

Other school programs to discover

Many sites offer educational programs in Quebec: Sir George-Étienne Cartier National Historic Site, Manoir Papineau National Historic Site, Forges du Saint-Maurice National Historic Site, Fort Chambly National Historic Site, Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site, and Obadjiwan–Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site.

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