Development projects in the S-Block District
Jasper National Park
Lands that are designated Storage and Services District (known as S Block) permit a range of uses that are focused on the provision of goods and services for the town of Jasper including repairs, construction, storage and transportation. The main purpose of the S Block is to accommodate the Town of Jasper’s service and storage needs over the long term.
The 2024 Jasper wildfire heavily impacted structures in the S-Block. This information is intended to support lessees looking to rebuild structures as well as any lessees considering development in this district. Parks Canada and the Municipality of Jasper are here to support you in next steps. Planners are available to meet with you to discuss your specific needs and circumstances.
This webpage should be read in conjunction with the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy and is intended to provide information on the types of projects permitted in the S Block District.
All development projects in the S Block district should begin with contacting the Parks Canada Development Office at or (780) 852-6123.
Do I need a permit for a development in the S Block District?
It is likely that you will require a permit for your development project located in the S Block District. The development review process typically includes three different permits:
- Development permit – this permit is required before a project begins to ensure that the proposed project conforms with the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy including the Architectural motif guidelines of the Town of Jasper.
- Building permit – may be required, and ensures the project meets required building code standards.
- Certificate of completion (including an occupancy authorization) – once landscaping and outstanding permit requirements are completed, a certificate of completion will be issued to close the project. Conditional occupancy may be granted after construction is substantially completed before the certificate of completion is issued, if the final safety codes inspection is issued.
Additional permits than the ones listed above may also be required. Please contact Parks Canada’s development office for more information to confirm permit requirements for your project.
How does the commercial cap impact my proposal?
At this time, there is no remaining Commercial Floor Area available to be allocated for development in the Storage and Services District (S). While additional commercial floor area is not available, we are committed to working with you on your rebuilding or redevelopment project and recommend meeting with a Parks Canada staff member to discuss your specific needs in detail. Please visit the commercial floor area allocation webpage for more information.
The Canada National Parks Act contains the maximum Commercial Floor Area buildout for the Town of Jasper and the Jasper Community Sustainability Plan allocates the remaining floor area to each commercial district.
Commercial floor area is defined in the town of Jasper Land Use Policy as meaning the total floor area of all levels of a commercial building or structure, contained within the outside of the exterior and basement walls or glazing line or windows, but excluding enclosed or open parking areas, garbage and loading rooms, floor areas devoted exclusively to mechanical or electrical equipment servicing the development, and staff housing.
At this time, any developments that would result in an increase in the commercial floor area of a structure in the Storage and Services District will not be permitted as there is currently no remaining Commercial Floor Area available to be allocated for development in the Storage and Services District.
Where can I find the specific development requirements for development in the S Block District?
The Town of Jasper Land Use Policy contains both general requirements and specific zoning district requirements. Section 14 of the land use policy contains information specific to the S-Block District. Articles 1 through 8, 30 and 31 apply to all development in the Town of Jasper including those in the S-Block.
Developments located in the S-block district are not required to conform to the Architectural Motif. However, certain design elements such as the screening of mechanical equipment may be required. Please contact the development office for more information.
What type of uses are permitted in the S-Block district?
The Town of Jasper Land Use Policy details the permitted and discretionary uses in the S-Block section. Use the Town of Jasper Land Use Map to determine your property’s zoning. The table below summarizes the permitted and discretionary uses for the S-Block district:
District | Permitted Use | Discretionary Use |
Storage and services district (S) | General contractors; and general contractor support services |
Definitions for each use are laid out in Article 3.0 Interpretive clauses in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy. Staff accommodation or other forms of housing are not permitted in the S-Block.
The use I am proposing is considered discretionary. What does this mean for my project?
Discretionary uses are uses that may seem compatible with the district but might cause adverse impacts to the community and thus, their approval requires discretion. This discretion is exercised through the Superintendent. Please visit the Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts from more information on discretionary use.
How can I determine the footprint of a building in the S-Block district?
Referencing the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, the following table lists the required setbacks of the S-Block district:
Type of site | Front Setback (minimum) | Side setback (minimum) | Rear setback (minimum) |
Interior site | 3.0 m | One side 3.7 m and 0.0 m on the other side | 3.0 m |
Corner site | 3.0 m | Facing a street is 4.5m and not facing a street is 0.0 m | 3.0 m |
Projections into setbacks are not permitted in the S-Block district.
What requirements determine the potential building size?
In addition to the commercial cap and the potential building footprint, there are other factors that determine the size of the building that can be built in the S-Block district.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) | Maximum site coverage | Building roof height | Building eave height |
1.0 | 60% | 10.6 m | 6.0 m |
What are the landscaping requirements for development proposals in the S-Block?
In addition to the landscaping requirements of Section 7.13 of the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, the soft landscaping requirement in S-Block is that 5% of the site must be soft landscaped. More information on soft landscaping, including sample landscape plans and calculations, as well as the link to the Parks Canada approved planting list, are all available on the landscaping development webpage.
Can I build an accessory building on my commercial property?
One accessory building is permitted at the rear of the each site in the Storage and Services District (S) with the following requirements:
Site coverage (maximum) | Building/eave height (maximum) | Distance from property lines (minimum) | Distance from primary building clear of all projects (minimum) |
Up to maximum Site Coverage of all Buildings | 7.5 m / 4.25 m | 1.0 m | 3.0 m |
The shape, colour, and building materials used for the exterior of an accessory building shall be the same as those used for the primary building.
In the Storage and Services District (S) the following additional requirements regarding accessory buildings and storage on site include:
- all buildings including detached accessory buildings shall be constructed with permanent foundations;
- the use of trailers or any other mobile structures as a place of business or for any aspect of business shall not be permitted;
- no person shall display any materials or equipment in a front or a side setback abutting a street, except in the case of a site with two or more adjacent lots used for the same business, where materials or equipment may be stored or displayed but not in the landscaped setback of the site where the primary building is located; and
- exterior storage shall be screened from public view.
The above information is intended to help assist you with your application. If there are any conflicts between the information presented above and the requirements as stated in the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, the requirements in the Policy take precedent.
Related links
- New residential home development
- Garden suites
- Garage suites
- Secondary Suite
- Residential building addition
- Interior renovation
- Landscaping: Including sidewalks, decks and parking
- Mobile home replacement
- New commercial development in the Town of Jasper
- Managing development
- Commercial sign permits in the Town of Jasper
- Lake Edith cottage and septic tank development
- Event tents
- Fences
- Electrical, plumbing and gas permits
- Home Based Businesses
- Private home accommodations (PHAs)
- Discretionary use – Commercial and institutional districts
- Projects requiring a development permit
- National parks building permit
- Garages
- Variances
- Appeals
- Development regulations, laws, policies and guidelines
- Service standards
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