Hogs Back

Rideau Canal National Historic Site

This area has mooring space both upstream and downstream. A variety of recreational amenities, restaurants and services are in close proximity.

How to get here

Hogs Back

795 Hogs Back Road
Ottawa, Ontario

GPS: 45°22'12"N 75°41'56"W

Hours of Operation



Navigational data
  • Distance from Ottawa: 8.4 km (5.2 mi)
  • Distance from Kingston: 193.7 km (120.4 mi)
  • Nautical chart: #1512 (Sheet 1)
  • Number of locks: 1 lift, 1 guard
  • Lock length: 40.8 m (134 ft)
  • Lock width: 9.7 m (33 ft)
  • Average lift: 4.2 m (13.8 ft)
Facilities and services
  • Overnight mooring (2 nights max)
  • Washrooms
  • Potable water
  • Boat launch
  • Picnic tables
  • Visitor information
  • Self-guiding trail
  • Parking ($)

The work at Hogs Back, the construction of the dam in particular, turned out to be one of the most challenging endeavours Colonel By would face during the construction of the Rideau Canal. Swift water and intense spring floods made the work difficult. The spring flooding also convinced Colonel By of the need to add a flood lock, in addition to the lift lock at Hogs Back. A flood lock can be used as a lift lock in times of high flood and it also guards (protects) the lift lock from damage due to ice and debris from spring flooding.

Read more history about this lockstation
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